Monday, 10 December 2012

Typogateaux Research

All of these Nissan advert cake designs are extremely detailed but since this was advertising Nissan, it doesn't look like these cakes were actually made and were just designed digitally for the campaign.

This Auto Load ad is much more simple than the other designs and still quite clever. It works very well with the slogan used by the company.

These designs venture away from the others I had looked at in that these were just designed as cakes as oppose to being used for something else. The designs are very detailed and in some cases very familiar for the target audience.

A much more basic cake design, it's made all about the cake instead of having it masquerading as something else with a complicated design. This one is simple and elegant and could easily be manipulated to fit the criteria for Typogateaux.

The design of the icing on this 'steak and chips' cake is simple in idea but perfecting it must have taken a long time. The food doesn't even look real and looks like a painting instead of a 3D cake.

While there may not have been as much detail put into the cake itself in this example, the kind of spiky upper part of the cake appears as though it must have taken a long time given that it looks as though could probably all collapse quite easily.

In a lot of my research, a lot designers were referencing Anna Garforth's Edible Poster. The varied fonts and fine detail in the header and footer of the poster is very effective and the wording works well with the poster.

I could see the influence of the poster most in this design. It's kept very simple allowing the letters to flow off of each other well. This design was half baked before cutting into the right shape and then finished allowing all of the letters to join together properly.

While I like the simple layout of this with the two cakes missing, I have a lot more interest in the slightly more complicated designs.

Despite this poster being digitally designed, I like the font used for it and I think it lends itself to the cake-like outcome a lot.

I started looking at typefaces for the modern cake and the traditional cake, wanting to exaggerate each to fit the idea we had for the cake designs.



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