Tuesday 23 October 2012

Alphabet Soup Part 2 -Product

In the end I had quite a bold and strong looking typeface, and when told we were going to be putting our typeface on an existing product, I don't know why but I immediately thought of Boost chocolate bars.

I drew out the word boost in the typeface I designed for Suzie and used this as an opportunity to join all of the type together. It didn't turn out too legible but I thought that once I scanned it in and played around with it a little bit I could make it easier to read.

I scanned it in and fiddled around with the colour, knowing that on a Boost bar the text is white. I tried some browns and blues but ultimately settled on the white as it did give the typeface a more distinct shape and made the edges appear very sharp.

I got a plan image of a Boot bar of the internet and deletend the text in the middle so that the white from that wouldn't get in the way of the white on my image.

I had to fill the brown colour and the centre with one simple shade of brown as when i only filled in the missing part with one colour it still allowed the text to stand out. This did make it look a little unrealistic but had I left it then the type would have been made much less clear and legible. I positioned the type simply onto the top of the image of the boost bar and fiddled around with it to make it fit properly.

Overall I was fairly pleased with it. It was difficult to make this type work as a logo as the whole nature of the type is quite fragmented and hard to decipher. I tried to keep as much shape in the letters as I could and I think that I did well to adapt it. Although this could be because I've spent so much time looking at it, I found that I was having less trouble recognising it over time, so the more I was looking at it the more readable it became.

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