Sunday 21 October 2012

Summer brief

Initially I had difficulty trying to interpret the Summer brief, but as I wasn't left with much time to do it, I just gathered research from some of my favourite designers, all of which I feel my own work is heavily influenced by:

Some of my favourite type designs from the past couple of years have been part of the Nike advertisements. Each of them are so dynamic and varied, managing to depict speed, agility, stamina etc. simply in a typeface. I love that the letters are able to speak as much if not more than the words themselves.

These styles each have something so significant and different about them, and as a result i decided i wanted my typeface to depict something in their form as oppose to being a component to a message delivered by words.

I felt like I couldn't develop a lot of these examples that I tried so I looked back at some of the Nike research I did and tried adapting existing typefaces and warping them into something else. I used the same idea of depicting a word and I chose 'speed', not because I'm a fast runner or anything like that, simply because I had to work quickly since I only had a week to finish it. This Proved surprisingly simple, I just broke apart characters and flicked the ends to the left, to make it appear as though they were moving quickly.

I did two variations of each letter and chose the one i thought looked more dynamic. The whole typeface worked pretty well at the end, I was pleased that I was able to adapt one one word to all of them effectively and I thought they complimented each other well. I would love to go back to this typeface an use it in a future project, or adapt it to fit something else as I was really happy with how it turned out.

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