Tuesday 22 October 2013

OUGD504 Design For Web Studio Task

In todays session we got into pairs and discussed and brainstormed the potential of our chosen Summer Brief topic when translated to web, as it is this research that we will be using to create a functioning and useful website.

My research topic was Saul Bass, and since I didn't want to just make another fan page or a biographical website, I really had to explore other options, bearing audience, tone of voice and purpose all in mind.

My first two brainstorms really showed where I needed to do some more research and proposed the obstacles I may have. For one, Saul Bass is a very specific topic, and while I had the idea of creating a title sequence archive of all title sequences ever made, Lorraine pointed out that this would be no different to YouTube. Joe suggested I make it an interactive website, in which visitors could make their own title sequence, and while I think that could be successful, it is also very ambitious given my limited knowledge in web design.

Similarly, I hit a big barrier when trying to determine what it is that I'm trying to communicate. Simply communicating Bass' work would just make the website biographical and that is exactly what I wanted to avoid.

At this point Lorraine advised I do another brainstorm, this time just starting with Saul Bass/title sequences and finding as many links to that topic as I can:

I found this challenging as I usually work much more systematically, however, it did generate some results, and may be indicating that I need to change the way in which I generate ideas.
I started by making all the connections I could think of to my topic, things that I associated with it or just things that I thought of along side it.
From this I saw potential to look into a 'how to' theme, a minimalist website, motion graphics within graphic design etc. I realised that I did want to keep the website quite minimalist as it is an area I plan on working on this year, and that in itself is related to Bass'.

I took this as indication to map out and test some other ideas before focused on any other component of the website.

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