Wednesday 8 January 2014

OUGD504 Design For Print and Web Branding Mock Ups

I had decided that the location for my restaurant would be most fitted in a courtyard style area, allowing for quiet outdoor seating, that isn't disturbed by the bustle of traffic or pedestrians on a road. I thought that if the layout of the courtyard was suited to the restaurant it could really lend itself to the homely and comfortable atmosphere.

I found an image of a restaurant inside a courtyard in London that had the ideal layout for what I would have liked as a location for my restaurant, and adapted the exterior to show my logo and colour scheme:

I have proposed a burgundy exterior for the sign and the awnings, with the logo that has remained consistent throughout the branding. I loved the potted plants outside the restaurant which almost made it seem as though visitors were dining in a garden. The glass doors open up completely which would be ideal for the summer weather.

Branded products:

Jam Jar

I planned to have the restaurant selling their own homemade comfort foods inside (similar to that of restaurants like Carluccio's). These jars would have the same logo, but perhaps with a different illustration to the bottle and glass of wine, as this doesn't have much relevance to jam.


I used the abbreviated logo for the design of the plate and adapted it to fit the rim of the plate. I didn't want to put it in the centre as I thought it would not be seen with the food on the plate.

Biscuit Tin

In keeping with the country house theme to the restaurant, I thought it would be fitting for there to be items like homemade biscuits, cookies and cakes to be packaged and sold. I thought about using simple boxes with the logo on them but thought it would be more homely if they were packaged in something the buyer could use after finishing the biscuits. I chose a plain stainless silver tin, which would increase the price slightly but still be affordable. I incorporated both the restaurant identity and the abbreviated logo on the side.


In order to ensure a slightly modern take on more traditionally british food and drink, I chose to use an image of a glass mug for hot drinks. I proposed for the lines coming off of the logo to circulate the mug and join up again on the other side.

Tea Bag

I chose to brand the tea bags as I could then sell these within the restaurant as an own brand of tea, as well as using them for the drinks inside. I only used the abbreviated logo for the tag, but put the full logo on the reverse side.


For the branding of the napkins, I chose to reverse the colours, as I preferred the aesthetic of the logo in white on a burgundy napkin, and felt that the burgundy logo on a white napkin looked a bit cheaper.

I liked the idea of presenting the menu on a clipboard, as it lent itself to the rustic aspect of the restaurant, and after our crit it was suggested to do this after presenting the problem of keeping the menu's in tact. This would stop them from being damaged.
However, I do not have sufficient funds to buy a rustic wooden clipboard.

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