Tuesday 12 November 2013

OUGD504 Design for Print Primary Research and Concept

Print Questionnaire:

How useful did you find the inductions into print processes in 1st year?

Very helpful - 12%     Quite helpful - 48%     Could have been better - 37%     Not helpful at all - 3%

Were the inductions detailed enough?

Yes - 39%      No - 61%

Do you remember the details of the induction well enough to do it your- self?

Yes - 46%      No - 54%

Would a more detailed hand out given at the end of the induction helped you?

Yes - 64%     No - 36%


I found after doing my primary research that while the inductions into print processes were helpful, a majority of people had trouble remembering the details of it. Similarly, some people said that they would not be comfortable with working in the print room without help, and that some more people felt that they neglected doing some print processes as they would rather do something they are more comfortable with.
In light of this I though it would be effective to produce something that could be given out to first year students after they have their induction into a process. This could then take the form of something that could be carried around, preferably pocket sized, and could be used to refer to while printing for considerations to take into account for each process.
After some consideration I concluded that small booklets would be an appropriate format for these, but I also considered something that could be worn around the neck, but this would restrict size.

Audience and Tone of Voice

The target audience for these booklets is first years who have just had their inductions into the print area. This will allow them to be reminded regularly of what they learnt in the induction. It won't be an instructional booklet, just informative and reminding, so the viewer of the booklet will need to have had the induction for the content to make sense.
It will take a lighthearted and approachable tone of voice, to make the process seem 'everyday', therefore lightening the intimidating aspect of some printing processes. While it will have a friendly tone, I also wanted to make it quite professional in order to promote a sense of professionalism within the college. The language will be concise and will be promote a sense of importance in the points while keeping it quite casual.

Method of Delivery

I wanted to have a separate booklet for 4-5 individual print processes. I considered including a sample booklet and a miscellaneous product, such as stickers or badges, but the main focus would be the booklets. In order to do the extra counterparts, I would have had to narrow down my options for the booklets, and I felt that only three booklets wouldn't be enough evidence of work in the amount of time we had to work on it.

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